Jack Cusumano

The Background Art of RAD RAZ

If you’ve been reading RAD RAZ over at Dumm Comics lately, you’ve noticed the series of one-panel arrest gags. Part of the reason I’ve been doing this is to save a little time – I’ve been doing character, prop and background design on a show the past few weeks during the days. The other reason, though, was to really focus on making some nice backgrounds, and letting them steal the show away from the characters.

Here are some of the backgrounds that resulted from this little experiment, with all the distracting characters and word bubbles removed. Enjoy!


New Background Art


Still plugging away at the fourth RAD RAZ cartoon, “Uncle Horace.” This cartoon requires significantly more backgrounds. You’ve already seen 3, and here are 2 more. As the story stands right now, there are at least 4 more to draw! Stay tuned for this cartoon, and then stick around after that, as I’m considering doing a Thanksgiving special!
